Kotha Bangaru Lokam Copied Scenes



Bangaru Papa (1954)

Banner: Vauhini
Director: B.N. Reddi
Music: A. Rama Rao
Story: Palagummi Padmaraju from George Eliot's Silas Marner
Screenplay: B.N. Reddi ,Palagummi Padmaraju
Lyrics: Devulapalli Krishna Sastry
Cinematography: B.N. Konda Reddy
S.V. Ranga Rao,
K, Jaggaiah,
Ramana Reddy,

Story: The rich Manohar (Jaggaiah) marries poor Shanta (Jamuna), neglecting to inform his conservative and tyrannical father. The father forces him to marry a girl of his choice, even as Shanta dies in a storm leaving an infant daughter behind- The daughter is rescued by the criminal Kotaiah (Ranga Rao) who, while raising her, becomes a reformed character. Manohar suffers, unable to declare the woman to be his daughter. The melodrama is remembered for Ranga Rao's performance. A commercial flop though a success among the urban upper class.

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