Kotha Bangaru Lokam Copied Scenes



Chiranjeevi's Pressmeet Viseshalu

Video Of Press Meet

Main Points of Press meet

1. My Life is dedicated to serve people
2. Experience goes along with youth in my party
3. People are my political Gurus
4. Importance to Ladies
5. My party is not a one man show
6. I will act in Social welfare related movies
7. Its not leftism or rightism. I follow Humanism
8. I am not bothered about number of seats, public will decide it
9. I want to decrease the gap between rich and poor
10. I dint know about how many blood groups are there but i reacted to it. In the same way I dont know about politics but I will serve people
11. Abdul Kalam wanted me to come into politics
12. I drew my inspiration from Abdul Kalam and NTR

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