Kotha Bangaru Lokam Copied Scenes



Komaram Puli Review

Recently there has been a comment why I did not write about Puli and they mentioned that I write favorable news to Chiru Family. LOL. I like all the stars who do good movies. If I have been so biased I would not have placed NTR and ANR on my top image. I respect all the actors. If I had been so biased to Chiru Family, you can see the reviews written by me, they are Prasthanam, Leader, Shambo Shiva Shambo. Are they related to Chiru family?

I just copy paste all the details from other websites. I am telling you that openly. I dont care about foolish and rubbish movies. If I feel a movie to be good I will write about them. If I had been biased I would have written Puli is a fantastic movie. GO watch in theaters and all.

But I did not do that because the reason is simple its so great a movie that I lost my senses in the theater and I felt like I bought a big hammer for 50 Rs( Ticket Cost) and beat on my head. I had a feeling of getting out of the theater the whole movie. And why should I waste my time writing review on such a rubbish movie. If you want me to write whatever I feel about everyone then I will do it.

I feel writing negative stuff does not help anybody. I am not a Great andhra or Andhra Vilas to write arbit stuff with arbit headlines. I am not any of them to write biased news. I am telling you I reject so many comments daily on my website. They have content which can trigger discussions like the other great websites do. But I dont encourage such things. I want my website to be a positive one.

So Now count down start, start searching for reasons to blame me.

Note: Don't forget to leave a comment

Early Tollywood


Anonymous said...

Way to Go .... Ram

Anonymous said...

mama keeka
a comment petindi nene..................
love u...........

Ram Manohar Bokkisa said...

Its ok bro... I want to write an article on the so called FANS of big heroes... who dont think anything....

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